Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Going to the chapel

This is another cap from the Haven. My friend thedoctor. She liked weddings in her preferences so I decided to make one with a gorgeous bride. Let me know what you all think.

xoxoxo Katie


  1. I can melt away with a caption like this, so lovely.

  2. Thanks again for your kind words. I enjoy the bride to be. I wanted to add all her lingerie and such being put on. But I had made it wordy enough. LOL! I wish I could write more like Dee. I love how she really lets the image tell the story but she chooses all the right words to describe the caption so perfectly. And when she is done she doesn't have a novel.

    But on the other hand you have Smitty who writes more like me with a explaining story. But Smitty chooses better words then me too. LOL!

    I think I need a dictionary. ;)

    xoxoxo Katie

  3. Never fear Katie you are doing quite well without the dictionary. Lovely image and very clever story equals great cap! Loved this one.

    1. Thanks Knight, I am happy you liked it. And you are another one who can paint a picture with your words. One day I swear I will learn how to do that.

      xoxoxo Katie

  4. Very imaginative. I like transformations into happy brides.
