Wednesday, January 2, 2013



  1. I really like the idea of clothing feminizing you as you put it on. I quite like the long description of transforming step by step

    The Sisters of Fate look to be developing into a very interesting universe :)

    1. I like the sisters too, mysterious and all. I enjoy the transformation so I like explaining it to let the reader see it in their mind.. I like the quick flash and bright light stuff too. but I really enjoy the changes and details about it

    2. I'm not sure if I can say I prefer one over the other... I think it's more a question of what the style of the cap is and why they transformed and how, etc...

    3. I love the both, and it definitley matters on the image. I, myself enjoy all the details. But I think it also depends on the reader. I know some people like the quick and some like the changes to last months, even years.

  2. I'll say this: as much as we learn from each other, I'm not sure I'll ever be as good as the slow change as you are, babe. ;) Great cap!

    1. I appreciate taht, thank you. I think my favorite author was Edith Bennett Bellamy's site, Pink Gladiolas. She didn't cap that I know of but her stories were the absolute best. Changes and all. Probably my favorite tg author of all time. To bad her site was taken down. I know I saw on another site where someone was posting her work so it wouldn't be lost or forgotten. But if you haven't read anything by her you should try and find some of her work. Its amazing..
