Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Road less traveled by

Before anyone beats me up over Pink's video having subtitles in another language. It also doesn't have any advertising. LOL! I actually love Pink. She has that 50 style Pin Up Rock-a-Billie look. I think that is so hot. I have been really trying to give you a couple of caps a week and it has been good for me too. I miss capping like I did last winter.

This cap was for a friend at the Haven as most of them are anymore. Chelsea Baker, who is a great capper herself. I owed her one now for quite sometime. I hope she likes it and I also hope all you like it as well.

I hope everyone is healthy and happy.

xoxoxo Katie Mills


  1. I love caps where Karma comes home to roost. Nicely done.

    1. Thank you very much... I am glad you liked it. Chelsea will be a lot nicer now.. hehe!!

  2. Great caption, and I love the girl in the picture.
    Pink is one of the few mainstream artist of the moment I like listening to, and I don't mind the subtitles, I don't even read subtitles in a language I can understand;)

    1. LOL! I thought the picture matched the caption well. Thanks for more of your love. ;)

      I agree, I really am not too big of a fan of today's music. But there are a few I will listen too because they aren't repetitive with their lyrics and the song's actually took some talent to make. I blame the talentless hacks more on the music industry then the artists. They push what they want you to hear down your throat.

      xoxoxo Katie

    2. Fortunately what is mainstream comes in waves, and what is good will surface. it may take a few years, but it always does, to a point what used to be underground becomes mainstream, and the cycle starts again.

  3. I love your caps but am always a little disappointed that the new girls don't remember who they were. being a stuck fan i like it when the new girl realizes they are stuck as a girl. but other than that you do great work and i love your obsession with pantyhose in your caps.

    1. Hello Cori, I am so happy you left your thoughts on my page. I like both scenarios depending on the situation. But if you read most of my work. Men are always getting stuck as women with full memory or partial. Or become a passenger stuck in the mind fully conscience of what has happened to them. Also if you haven't been to the Rachel's Haven you should give it a look see. Most of my caps, as of late, are done for the wonderful community there and I have to follow their preferences to a degree. I always try to put my personal spin on it though.

      I really am flattered that you enjoy my work and of course I too love everything nylon. Yummy!!

      It is always a treat to meet a new friend in the community. I'll tell you what Cori, when I get a moment I will make a personal cap Just for you. What name would you like to start from and what name would you like to end up as. Complete memory intact. ;)

      xoxoxo Katie

  4. Thank you for replying back. And you're right there are quite a few where the new girl remembers her life as a guy or like you say is well aware but not in control (very hot scenario for sure). But a couple examples of what I mentioned include this one we're commenting on and these two http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VFGYb_Udh60/UVSWCa2WsoI/AAAAAAAABrI/_z-7xb-zc5w/s1600/285741_521271524562311_1984686512_n.jpg and http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-27w5WBddD0k/UR8NmihraPI/AAAAAAAABio/YTN8B6tZAbc/s1600/377746_521198191236311_1885195678_n.jpg

    I so badly want to hear these guys reactions at turning into the total Goddesses they are now. Especially the second there, she's breathtaking.

    And yes I pretty much live on Rachel's Haven. I go by wannabestuck over there and it's there that I found your blog.

    And thank you kindly for offering a cap. Very sweet of you. I always start with Cory and then tend to end with Cori, that 'i' making the name so much more girly. But you can always go with a super girly names too like Melissa, Stacie, Melinda etc...and I LOVE it when the new girl can't say her old name and keeps just repeating her new name due to whatever spell has changed her.

    Here's hoping I end up in some pantyhose and heels, hehe.
