Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Waiting for tomorrow

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing fine. This is my first original post in a few weeks. Sorry, I just needed a little break. Anyway, I decided to not give myself a number or a goal on how many caps I should make. If I'm in the mood you may get a few captions in one week. If I'm not in the mood of busy than you may get one or none. Lol! I think the quality of my captions are better when they do not seemed forced.
So anyway, I made this caption for Kaitlyn over at the haven. I'm sure she needs no introductions but in case you have been hiding under a rock when you visit this community her blog is called Kaity's Fantabulous Captions
She has made me some interesting and sexy captions in the past few weeks so I'm just trying to repay the favor. I hope you enjoy it and if you have a little extra jingle in your pocket, check out my books on Amazon here.
I hope you're all healthy and happy!
xoxoxo Katie Mills

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Cooking the books

Hey everyone, this one was made for me by my friend Dawn. My site would be nothing without her help. She has been the best friend anyone could ask for.
Thanks Dawn so much for all your help...
xoxoxo Katie

Monday, July 6, 2015

The moments before

Hey everyone, how are you? I made this one to get me back on track. I have a few folks to get caught up with at the Haven too. But I really liked this picture and I think we all have that one or two, maybe three girls we would prefer to be. This one floats on that fantasy. So I hope you enjoy it.
I hope you are all healthy and happy,
xoxoxo Katie Mills

Saturday, July 4, 2015

A backfired spell

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been around. This time it was a bit more beyond my control. You see, I dropped my smart phone into water and unfortunately its my window to the world. So until it was fixed or I got a new one, I was basically cut off from the internet. So after almost a week of leaving my phone in a bowl of rice, it finally was working properly.
With all that explained I made this cap for Dementia over at the Haven. It was her birthday last Tuesday and I had this caption done a few days before her special day. But to my surprise, I came back to find out she is sick and in the hospital. Believe me when I say that spending anytime in the hospital is absolutely no fun. But it is the best place to be when you are sick. And Dee was always there while I was feeling down when I was really sick. She always checked in on me. So Dee, I hope you're feeling better soon. I'm so sorry you got sick for your birthday. I hope you get well soon.
Happy Belated Birthday Dee.
xoxoxo Katie